Terms & Conditions
Academy+ Membership Terms and Conditions
By using Academy+ and becoming a member, you agree to abide by the following terms and conditions:
- Personal Use Only
The content provided on Academy+ is for your personal use as a member only. You must not share your login details (username and password) with any third party. - No Copying or Public Use
The content available on Academy+ is protected by copyright and must not be copied, reproduced, or used for any public purpose without prior written permission from Academy+. - Respectful Communication
Any language, comments, or images posted in the public forums, chat sections, or comment sections within Academy+ must be respectful and appropriate. Offensive, demeaning, or harmful content will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Hate speech or discriminatory remarks: Any language that discriminates based on race, gender, sexuality, disability, religion, or nationality.
- Harassment or bullying: Threats, intimidation, or any content designed to harass or demean another member.
- Explicit or obscene content: Posting sexually explicit, violent, or otherwise inappropriate material.
- Spam or trolling: Repeatedly posting irrelevant or disruptive content that detracts from the experience of others.
Academy+ reserves the right to remove any content deemed offensive or in violation of these guidelines.
Consequences of Misconduct
Breach of these terms, including sharing login details, unauthorised use of content, or posting offensive material, may result in the removal of your membership. In serious cases, legal action may be pursued.